12th March 202225-year-old singer, songwriter and architect Emma Cheruto is an up-and-coming force in the music scene. With her sweet vocals and great style, sisi hapa at the SKY sistahood really dig her vibe…which is why we sat down with her to ask what she wishes he 15-year old self knew 10 years ago!
On Creativity:
Girl, imagine you have something unique in you! I want you to acknowledge that you’re enough and you don’t need to change yourself for anything or anyone. So do you! Andika that story, paint that painting, sing that song. Even if you have only 2 people interested lol. The rest will catch up to you.
On School:
Weh! Let me tell you don’t lose your focus. Maximize on your strengths, sharpen your weaknesses. Be 100% present in this phase, ju itapita na huwezi rudi madam. Make memories, make friends, enda ma-funkie, experience it to the fullest.
On Friends:
Now you’re at the point where you’re figuring out what you like in a friend and what makes you feel safe. When you find someone you vibe with, stick with them! That’s your clan, lol. Don’t be afraid when you realize you have to drop a friend, hiyo ni life tu! You’re just figuring things out rn so follow your heart!
On Fashion:
Fashion is self-expression so express all the way! Experiment as much as you can, until you find a style that SCREAMS you. And don’t be afraid of it changing with time! That’s def going to happen.
On Failure:
Failure is something that comes and passes, babe. Be receptive to the lessons in failure. When you fail, and you have a hard time going through those feelings, talk it out.
On Boys:
When it comes to boys, use these experiences to figure your type out. Aki I know those heartbreaks suck but I promise it gets better. Guard your heart and your space, and you’ll figure out the right kind of guy.
On Peer Pressure:
Stand your ground, sis. This is the most important lesson to learn coz aki peer pressure doesn’t end. When you do, it’ll be hard to have FOMO for things that aren’t meant for you. If you have the right friends around you, you’ll figure this out.
On the Future:
Your best bet for the future is to stick to your thing. For example, usiskize mtu akikuambia shisha ama cigarettes are stress-relievers. Ziko na tobacco, so it makes stress worse, plus it stains your teeth! 🤢Kumbuka, what you do today contributes to who you are tomorrow. The future is so beautiful, be ready to receive it, mama.