6th September 2022Hey SKY Sisses! Tumekuwa tukiget questions from you guys about relationships and how ku-keep healthy and we’ve heard you babe! That’s why in this article, tuliuliza some SKY Girls to share some things wameskia about HIV so that we can let you know if its myths or facts.
MYTH: “Kuna time niliskia ati HIV ina-spread through spit..”
“Unaweza pata HIV by sharing combs, towels, toilets and handkerchiefs”
“Is it true unaweza pata HIV uki kiss au hug mtu ako nayo?”
“HIV inaspread through spoons, forks, plates etc.”
FACT: HIV ina-spread through exchange of blood, semen and vaginal fluids ONLY. Ndio maana, you can contract HIV from unprotected sex with someone already living with the virus, and sharing sharp objects like needles or razor blades. Lakini, si poa ku-share personal items kama towels, combs na handkerchiefs. Plates and spoons ni sawa.
MYTH: “Mimi I don’t believe in HIV because the world has so many diseases. Watu wanatafuta pesa. Plus, if you’re on ARVs its no prob.”
FACT: HIV is 100% real na the Ministry of Health inareport that in Kenya, around 100 girls aged 10-19 years get infected with HIV every week. ARV (Antiretroviral treatment) ni dawa yenye watu huchukuanga for HIV. Yes, the treatment inaweza work very well ata to the point where HIV haiwezi kuwa detected mwilini. Siku hizi, HIV treatment ni very advanced. Lakini itabidi the infected person changes what they eat, exercise regularly etc.
MYTH: “Ati watu hupona ama it’s just rumors”
FACT: Hakuna cure ya HIV. Lakini, watu hu-get a lot better na they can take medicine that allow them to live full lives even if they have the virus. Hizo dawa also make the Virus harder to spread.
MYTH :“You only get HIV kama uko irresponsible”
“Watu poor pekee ndio hupata HIV”
FACT: Anyone anaweza pata HIV na pia unaweza zaliwa nayo. Kama SKY girls we support each other na we never judge juu watu wako nayo arent ‘bad people.’
MYTH:“Unaweza tell mtu ako na HIV when you look at them.”
FACT: Youth mwenye anaishi na HIV anaweza kaa mimi na wewe tu.
MYTH: “The Youth aren’t affected by HIV”
FACT: More than half of the people in Kenya who have HIV are under the age of 24.
MYTH: “HIV haiwezi pitshwa from mother to baby”
FACT: Mama anaweza spread HIV to an unborn child, ama during child birth and through breast milk. Hii inaminisha, some people wanazaliwa na HIV.
Tuna hope umepata some helpful information on HIV that unaweza share with your friends. Jambo ya muhimu ni ku kumbuka that people with HIV are not bad in any way na wana deserve ku-have friends and to be loved. Now that we know the truth, hatuta spread rumors about HIV and tuta spread the message. Ama?
Kama uko-na maswali or for more info about HIV bonga na One2One on or call 1190 (Toll free)