Take The Pledge Today

Why Smoking is Not Our Thing

2nd March 2023

Smoking hasn’t been my thing since I was young juu I know it’s not cool.

  • Miriam, 19


Smoking is not my thing because it decolourises teeth and I love smiling 😀

  • Bancy, 19


The smell of cigarettes irritates me, that's why smoking is not my thing.

  • Monique Bul, 17


I always ask myself if something is fun, and smoking is just a boring and dull time, so nasema zii to smoking 🤍

  • Dorine, 19


Smoking is not my thing bcs it's not cool in any way, especially shisha na vapes

  • Anne, 16 


Smoking is not my thing coz it smells bad and I love to smell good

  • Janita, 16 


Smoking is not my thing because it makes your skin dull na mi hupenda kuglow.

  • Alicia, 13


Smoking is not my thing juu ni waste ya pesa na pia si cool. Afadhali ninunue novel

  • Manasse, 19


Thanks SKY fam for coming through and contributing to this edition of SKY girls Magazine. Tunawalove