SKY Corner: I Learnt to Make the Best Choice for Me
31st October 2023Kwa hii article, we asked some SKY Girls watushow time they made the choices that ziliaffect life yao. Na hivi ndio walisema:
Conslata, 17 years old
Student and Model
Kuna time kulikua na funkie ya computer science and so it happened that mimi, stude wa homescience, nilijipata huko juu mabeshte wangu walikua wale wasee. Time ya kurudi shule mafriends wangu wakasuggest we buy cigarettes na tukazibeba kuchoma shule. Siku speak up against it. Kufika shule we were caught and sent home for suspension. Tulirudi wiki ya exam na hata no one wanted to associate themselves na sisi wakituita “smokers”. It was sad and I promised myself that I will never try to fix myself where I don’t feel comfortable being.
Fardhousa, 12 yrs
Currently a student
Ningependa kuwashow kitu ilifanya nika choose my friend wisely. Vile nilikuwa class five nilikuwa na beshte alikuwa ana keep bad company, Her new friends walikuwa wanapenda kugossip na kuwa toxic. Siku penda hio tabia yake so I told her to stop associating with them. Alisema okay, lakini she didn’t listen to me. She went on being friends with them even after nilijaribu kumconvince lakini ilifika time nilisema, “wacha tu” hio ni life yake. Nilidecide tu kufocus on myself and my studies and the right friends will gravitated towards me
Carol, 18 years old
Student from Umoja
I had a friend in school who we met during one of our club sessions, she was really good to keep close and share issues with. Sasa siku moja hakuja shule so l was so worried so nilidecide nikitoka shule nitapitia kwao nijue what’s wrong. When I got to her place l was so shocked coz l found her with some male friends in an intimate setting. Alitry kunishow I hangout with them juu shule haimata, lakini relationships saa hii isn’t my thing. So nilijitoa nikaenda home. Ubeshte yetu iliisha hio siku juu alinicut off. But am happy l decided to focus on my studies and am so happy l got to achieve my goals.
Unacheki kila choice iko na consequence yake, so make sure unamake choices zenye ni true to you juu hizo choices ndio zinabuild life yako. Sasa, jump over to SKY Advice kucheki stories from SKY girls who made choices zenye zilikuwa na negative consequences.