Take The Pledge Today

How to spot a SKY Guy with The Dapper Brother

23rd August 2024

Tunajua there is so much boy advice out there, lakini there's one true thing: it can be hard to tell the difference between a genuinely nice guy, yaani a SKY guy, and one who is pretending ndio apate what he wants. 

We talked to one of our SKY big bros – The Dapper Brother about how to spot a SKY guy. So kama uko unsure, here are some things to look out for. 

He's respectful.   

If he’s truly a SKY guy he’ll respect you and other people. So kama ako rude ama he shouts at people, huyo si mtu legit. 

“SKY guy vile anabehave around you na wengine ina tell about who he really is.” 

Ukisema NO, anakuskiza.

Real SKY guys don’t try to trick you into saying yes. Ukisema NO, wana-accept your decision. He isn’t going to make you feel bad for being honest, na hatajaribu kuchange your mind. Genuine guys wanaweza chukua rejection without being rude. 

“Communicate your feelings openly and honestly A SKY guy will respect your decision”

  1. He encourages you to be true to yourself.

One of the reasons a SKY guy ako able to be nice to others ni coz anakubali choices za watu wengine. Ata jaribu ku-kuchange, but instead, anaku-cheer on for sticking to your choices. 

“A SKY guy ako comfortable with being himself na anataka you to be yourself too!”

He's patient.  

SKY guys wako patient. Hataku-pressure into doing anything that is not your thing. He supports you being true to yourself. 

A SKY Guy will be patient with you throughout the relationship cause he knows people are different & unique.” 

He apologizes.

Just like all of us, SKY guys humake mistakes, lakini makosa ikifanyika wao hukubali na kusema pole na ha-blame others for his actions! Na pia, ukimake mistake ata kuforgive. 

“A SKY guy respects you enough to apologise for his mistakes and he won’t gaslight you.” 

He thinks before he acts. 

Like a SKY girl, SKY guys actually think things through. Hawataki kufanya vitu they are good without or hurt others by their actions, so they take the time to think about what they do. Na hatakulet down at all. 

“A SKY guy understands why he does things to avoid making mistakes and will always be reliable.” 

He's kind to others and does things for strangers or those less fortunate.

Ni easy kuwa nice to people you know. To truly see if someone is a nice person, you have to see how they treat other people wenye hawajui. 

“SKY guys wanakuanga respectful kwa watu kwa streets, waiters, and other staff members. Wako kind na hawana pride.”