Take The Pledge Today


18th September 2020

Tasha, 15

Heh! Me I’ve totally struggled with this in the past, so I gerrit. But what I’ve learnt is that for me to stop always comparing myself, I have to be grateful for the things I do have. Imagine even the small-things are a blessing! Like the food you eat, the friends you have and even your health! It’s so easy to take the things we have for granted, lakini the truth is lots of people wish for the good things you have…so focus on that and be grateful. #BLESSEDBABE

Grace, 17

For me, every time I find myself scrolling IG and feeling kinda jealous, I remind myself that sometimes people’s lives look perfect online cause most of us only share the happy moments. My big sis once said to me, “Social media doesn’t always reflect reality.” And it hit me like BOOM! 

So what I can say is try not to focus on other people and focus on your own life, sis. When you try to find your thing, kidogo-kidogo you’ll be living your best life too!

Ciku, 16

I would tell her to give herself time. Eish, we are just teenagers after all :) Hakuna pressure. There’s so much time to grow. Kwanza, working hard at school right now will help her create her own fabulous life as an adult cause it will allow her to develop skills and connections needed to pursue her passions. Like if she’s interested in doing art or starting a business, she doesn’t have to wait to get started. If I was her I would do some research, talk to people who are in those jobs now, and perhaps join a club that is related to the things she is interested in.