Take The Pledge Today

Letter to my 15-year-old self: Ivy Mugo of Over 25

12th February 2021

Dear 15-year old Ivy,


You just started high school and I know this environment seems strange to you. You have been thrust into a level of independence you don't know much of, but I want to tell you to take heart. You're being prepared for something called 'womanhood' and boarding School will be good for you when you are all grown up.


I also know that you might be feeling kidogo abandoned by your folks, wondering why and how they would leave you in a school you don’t really like. You’ll realize that they never stopped caring for you and the next four years will allow you to learn more about yourself. The financial situation at home is also becoming more difficult for mum and dad but worry not. Things will turn out ok in the end.


You’ve started noticing that some of the older, more popular girls act a certain way. They can be a little mean. You will try to be like them, but you’ll figure out that it is just not your thing. If you stay true to yourself and channel your energies towards the things you love like your music and your acting, you will be much happier in general. These very talents will lead you to meet your best friend..and over 15 years later, you will still have a deep, sincere sistahood with a girl you met in high school! How cool is that?


Another thing right now is that you might be overwhelmed by all the beliefs and religions you're seeing. You’ll wonder which way is really for you. Trust me -you will learn that everyone in high school is simply trying to find their footing in life, just like you. So don’t stress about it because you will figure what is best for you and it will help you lead your best life when you are older!


And of course, you're worried about your grades - will you be as good as you were in primary school? Well, you ARE just as good, but your execution and environment is a little different - you're meeting smarter people, from all walks of life, from different cultures. This will all make you better in the end because you will learn so much. Focus on the things you love like reading more books (Harry Potter has a crazy twist at the end, trust me!). Stay true to what you really like - the arts - and you will be surprised how it helps you land your future career.


I know this is a long letter, and I know you have many questions. The answer I will give you is 'YES. Yes we are OK, yes we are thriving and yes high school ends'. You are gonna be alright. Keep being true to you.



30-something year old Ivy.